Hiking and Heat Stroke

I feel like I’ve experienced proper Australia for the fist time today- and my god I love it. We woke up with the sun and the dawn chorus, and went for a walk by the sea, a mere two minutes away. The area of beach we reached was enclosed by a headland and a band…

Kangaroos and Karaoke

I rocked up at Caltex this morning with a box of assorted food and a rucksack, and proceeded to wait on the side of the busy road and eat a boiled egg. I certainly got some strange looks. I then heard a woman yell ‘O’ (my nickname) and staggered up and yelled ‘Hi’ enthusiastically…before realising…

Why Is The Rum Always Gone?

I’m writing this as I’m lying in an ungainly position by the pool, slowly burning and feeling like I might spontaneously combust. It’s 28 degrees here, according to not-so-trusty Yahoo weather, but it feels about forty. What am I going to do in Australian summer? As I’m continuing to subject my already burnt skin to…

It’s My Melon That’s The Problem

We woke up, groggy from eleven hours sleep, and went on the hunt for brekkie. The omelette we found was only $3 (god I love it here) but it tasted slightly odd, and I felt rather queasy again. Having got a taste of the biker lifestyle, we were desperate to rent one again, paying $15…

Three Girls, One Ditch

I’m writing this as I sit in my air conditioned room, unable to get rid of the vile taste of nuts in my mouth, and aching like hell. And no, that’s not what it sounds like. Let me explain. We climbed an active volcano at 2am this morning, as you do, and I just got…

Escapades In The Murder Wagon

What a day. I think we just crammed the entirety of summer into ten hours. The day started with extreme scepticism, as we’d booked this dodgy looking tour online which seemed too good to be true. We rocked up at reception, eager and slightly dubious, and loitered there for a few minutes before giving up…

Is 20,000 Enough For An Ice Cream?

We stepped off the plane into a humid, muggy airport and felt the first wave of excitement hit us. Unfortunately I’d managed to spend $30 before even leaving the country, so my wallet was feeling somewhat lighter. Ah well, the 1L bottle of rum we’d bought did reassure me that we weren’t going to be…