
Travelling- it leaves you speechless, and then it turns you into a storyteller” – Ibn Battuta

Countries visited

The (hopefully) growing list…

  1. England
  2. Scotland
  3. Wales
  4. Ireland
  5. France
  6. Spain
  7. Switzerland
  8. Germany
  9. Austria
  10. Italy
  11. Monaco
  12. Turkey
  13. Morocco
  14. Egypt
  15. Costa Rica
  16. Thailand
  17. Laos
  18. Vietnam
  19. Malaysia
  20. Indonesia
  21. Australia
  22. Croatia
  23. Burma
  24. U.S.A (NYC, Washington, Florida)
  25. Brazil
  26. Russia
  27. Denmark
  28. Nicaragua
  29. Dubai
  30. Hong Kong
  31. Peru
  32. Colombia
  33. Ecuador
  34. Sweden